A guide to data analysis using spss for windows: SPSS for psychologists

A guide to data analysis using spss for windows: SPSS for psychologists

Livro técnico em inglês
Estado: novo

RESUMO: This popular text guides the novice user through the process of entering and analyzing data using SPSS. The authors assume only basic knowledge of Windows, review the basic issues regarding design and statistics, and proceed gently through all the major statistical techniques used in psychology, from introductory up to advanced level. Students are introduced to the rationale and use of each test and provided with clearly annotated examples of SPSS output. In this way, they are shown how to choose, perform, and report the statistical analysis of their own data. This edition covers SPSS 10 and 11, and contains more advanced statistical material--ANCOVA, factor analysis, logistic regression, and discriminate analysis. This book is intended for undergraduate students in statistics/research methods courses and other undergraduate-level social science courses.
Etiquetas: Outros géneros

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