Girl Meets Boy - Ali SMITH (Portes Incluídos)

 26 Abr, 08:28 preço 5

Girl Meets Boy - Ali SMITH (Portes Incluídos)

 26 Abr, 08:28 preço 5
--- Obra na língua original: Inglês ---

Girl Meets Boy
Excelente estado de conservação

Girl meets boy. It's a story as old as time. But what happens when an old story meets a brand new set of circumstances?
Ali Smith's re-mix of Ovid's most joyful metamorphosis is a story about the kind of fluidity that can't be bottled and sold.
It is about girls and boys, girls and girls, love and transformation, a story of puns and doubles, reversals and revelations.
Funny and fresh, poetic and political, Girl Meets Boy is a myth of metamorphosis for the modern world.

Portes, em correio editorial, incluídos.
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Etiquetas: Literatura

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