Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift

 21 Abr, 20:13 preço 4

Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift

 21 Abr, 20:13 preço 4
Jonathan Swift's classic satirical fable was first published following the 'South Sea Bubble' and other financial and commercial scandals which sadly strike a chord in our own times. It introduced many fictional lands and peoples which have since entered the English language, including the minute inhabitants of Lilliput, the giants of Brobdingnag, and the Yahoos in the land of the Houyhnhnms. Swift's attack on the futility of science which is not applied to human betterment in its widest sense, is relevant to today's post-industrial culture. Gulliver's Travels has always appealed to young and old alike.

- Apresenta, por ser de 1992, páginas amareladas e oxidação. Isto não impede, entretanto, a leitura: o texto está intacto. A capa está muito bem conservada: à exceção de uma pequena dobra na parte traseira e de algumas pequenas marcas nas bordas.
- Preço do envio para Portugal continental; ao envio para as ilhas, acresce 0,50EUR.
Etiquetas: Literatura

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