Livro Film as a Subversive Art Amos Vogel

 10 Mai, 20:00 preço 100

Livro Film as a Subversive Art Amos Vogel

 10 Mai, 20:00 preço 100
Livro: Film as a Subversive Art
Autor: Amos Vogel
Editora: C. T. Editions
Peso: 690 g
Livro em inglês.
O cinema como arte subversiva.
"A classic returns! According to Vogel, the book details the "accelerating worldwide trend toward a more liberated cinema, in which subjects and forms hitherto considered unthinkable or forbidden are boldly explored." So ahead of his time was Vogel that the ideas that he penned some 30 years ago are still relevant today, and readily accessible in this classic volume. Accompanied by over 300 rare film stills, Film as a Subversive Art analyzes how aesthetic, sexual and ideological subversives use one of the most powerful art forms of our day to exchange or manipulate our conscious and unconscious, demystify visual taboos, destroy dated cinematic forms, and undermine existing value systems and institutions. This subversion of form, as well as of content, is placed within the context of the contemporary world view of science, philosophy, and modern art, and is illuminated by a detailed examination of over 500 films, including many banned, rarely seen, or never released works."
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