Livro The Un-Private House Terence Riley MoMa

Livro The Un-Private House Terence Riley MoMa

Livro: The Un-Private House
Autor: Terence Riley
Editora: MoMa Museum of Modern Art New York
Peso: 700 g
Livro em inglês. The Un-Private House exhibition is only the second significant exploration of residential architecture lodged by the Museum of Modern Art, and the first one was way back in 1934. This book is well timed and should prove fascinating to any and all who are interested in considering the infinity of ways in which we might live. How would you build a house for a cyborg? The Un-Private House examines this and other questions confronting domestic architecture at the dawn of a new millenium. Changes in family structure, shifting conceptions of domestic privacy, the home as workplace and the revolution in communications and media have all created entirely new relationships between so-called "exterior" and "interior" realms.
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