Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference, 34th Edition - Impecável!

 24 Abr, 08:56 preço 19 

Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference, 34th Edition - Impecável!

 24 Abr, 08:56 preço 19 
Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference, 34th Edition - 34th Revised edition (como novo - Impecável!)
by Sean C. Sweetman
Martindale provides reliable, unbiased and evaluated information on drugs and medicines used throughout the world - no other source has the breadth and depth of coverage. * Encyclopaedic facts about drugs and medicines * 5,300 drug monographs * 110,000 preparations * 37,500 references * 9,500 manufacturers * Synopses of disease treatments * Enables identification of medicines, the local equivalent and the manufacturer * Includes herbal medicines * 200 monographs * 5000 preparations New for the thirty-fourth edition * Every entry thoroughly re-evaluated * Over 400 new drugs * Coverage of proprietary preparations expanded to 32 countries, now includes Argentina, Chile, India and Malaysia From the reviews of previous editions ...Martindale...uses a skilful mix of evidence from multi-centre studies, meta-analyses and the single case report, and this depth of knowledge is perhaps what makes Martindale the superb resource that it is...and is an essential tool for any practising pharmacist The Pharmaceutical Journal ...there are some books the company library simply cannot be without: Martindale is one of essential drug reference source and excellent value for money Pharmaceutical Physician
Publisher : Pharmaceutical Press; 34th Revised edition (January 1, 2004)
Language : English
Hardcover : 2784 pages
ISBN-10 : 0853695504
ISBN-13 : 978-0853695509

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