Out of Africa

Out of Africa

Out of Africa
From West African Kingdoms To Colonization

Louise Daniel Hutchinson

Published For the Anacostia.Neighborhood Museum of the Smithsonian Institution By the Smithsonian Institution Press City of Washington

John R. Kinardi
Acknowledgments 13 Introduction Dr. Hollis R. Lynch
15 1. Early Kingdoms and Independent States 19 West African Beginnings 19 Ancient Ghana 20 Mali 22 Songhai 24 Timbuktu 26 the Rise of Independent City-States 28 the Mossi States 28 Hausa States 29 Kanem-Bomu 31 the Akan 32 Ii. The Sum of All Villainies: Slavery and the Slave-Trade System 3.5 the Spanish and Portuguese 35 Slavery In Africa and the Westem Hemisphere 40
Iii. Let Your Motto Be Resistance: Slave Revolts In the Caribbean and the United States 45 Prelude To Rebellion 45 Toussaint L'Ouverture and the Caribbean 48 Resistance In the United States 52
The Antislavery, Abolitionist, and Colonization Movements 57 Abolition and Colonial America 57 England and the Colonization Movement 39 the Founding of Liberia 61 "The Wi Pictorial Essay 71
The Quest 71 Ancient Kingdoms 80 Art of West Africa 84 the Slave Trade 91 Slave Life In the Caribbean 102 Slavery In the United States 106 Resistance and Revolt 130 Gaining Freedom 149 the Abolitionists: Personalities and Documents 160 the Pro-Colonization Movement 174 the Anti-Colonization Movement 180 Liberia 186 Epilogue: We the Children of Africa In This Land

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