Portuguese Guinea - Nailing a Lie

Portuguese Guinea - Nailing a Lie

. John Biggs-Davison M.P.
. Congo Africa Publications
. London, 1970
. 44 páginas (pequeno formato, brochura, sem lombada)
. Sinais de envelhecimento na capa, miolo como novo, com dedicatória de oferta do autor ao "Senhor Presidente de Republica Portuguesa Almirante Americo Thomaz"
. Valor inclui portes em correio registado

"Mr. Biggs-Davison, (...) the first M.P. to travel to Angola shortly after the outbreak of the war in the north of that country in 1961, has combed many of Africa's trouble spots and investigated at first hand "nationalist" claims to have taken over large areas of Portuguese Africa. The Conservative Member for Chigwell since 1955, Mr. Biggs-Davison (...) has taken a special interest in subversive and amphibious warfare. The struggle in Guiné is both."
"More serious is the absence of malaria discipline. Authoritarian Portugal does not believe in compelling a free man to swallow anti-malaria tablets. Some soldiers fear that it affects their virility."
"The Portuguese approach is unfashionable. Yet it is an attitude that must come back into vogue, if Europe is to live. (...) Portugal fights on, and in the end the West will be grateful."
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Duarte Martinho

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